My hot tips when it comes to Mental Health

2020 has been one of the toughest years and our mental health has taken a beating. I know many people dealing with things they never thought they would have to or thought patterns that are causing damage to their everyday life.

October is National Mental Health Month so I wanted to share with you not only my journey but some tips I have come across that I wholeheartedly believe in can positively assist your mental health.

Here are some hot tips when it comes to looking after you!

Know your values

What will you do and what won't you do. Your values are connected to your core. When something doesn't sit right with you it's most likely not aligned with your values. If it's not a whole body HELL YEAH, then don't do it. This is a key lesson I have been learning over time when I noticed I was filling up my life with things other people wanted to do and not what I wanted to do. I didn't know how to say "No thank you" without worrying if I was offending the other person. I wasn't worried if I offended myself or it wasn't aligned, I just did it. These days I check in with my gut and ensure what I am doing is aligned with my values. If not, I don't do it. My mental health is better for this as I am putting myself first.


Switch off Social Media

I remember when I was 15 and no one had mobile phones, or if you did they were for making a phone call. We were out all day either in town or the beach, everyone was social and our heads were up. We lived and loved in the moment. Now I'm not saying I am good at this as I fail a lot. But the more I talk about it and put healthy habits in place, the better my mental health is as I'm not getting lost in the noise of everyone else's life.

Meditation - Finding calm within the crazy

This is one habit that I can honestly say has saved me. My thoughts used to swirl for days and days and I would end up not in not a good state. My Meditation practice doesn't stop my thoughts, it helps calm the 80 billion thoughts I have. It helps me to control my thoughts and take a step back. It helps me to better understand when my thoughts are just old habits and I need to re-write them. Meditation for Mental Health is so important as it puts you back in the driver's seat, instead of letting old subconscious thoughts take the lead and drive you down an unhealthy path. The simple act of placing one hand on your heart and the other on your belly with your eyes closed as you breath in through your nose, feel your belly expand, and then exhale through your mouth can support calming your nervous system and softening your muscles.

Be present in the moment

Often our brains are sitting in the past or racing into the future, they are not connected to our body in this present moment. When this happens we get into a swirl habit of thought - emotion - belief. What could have happened? What should have happened? What could I have done differently? What will happen? These thoughts don't positively serve our mental health due to the past being done and the future is still unwritten. The moment you are living right here right now is the most delicious and powerful point you can be in. Not only for a healthy mindset but an appreciation for you in this moment. Even when times are tough, we must stay and move through it as everything will pass and you have lessons in every moment. Respect your amazing life and be present in this moment.

Know what lights up your soul

This is a key to mental health as when your self-care cup is empty you most likely haven't done anything for yourself for a long time and have been showing up for others. A simple and easy trick I have done was created a Self-Love Menu and popped it in my phone in the notes section. Once a week I pick something off my list and commit to doing that. It could be as easy as having a cup of tea and reading for a few hours. Not feeling bad because I should be doing something. When you book in date time with yourself to simply do the things that light up your soul, your brain sends loving messages to your whole body and there is a beautiful connection to one's self. 

Move your body

This can sometimes be the hardest thing to do, yet one of the biggest helpers. When I'm in a funk and not feeling myself there is nothing better I love doing than laying on the couch, but I know it doesn't contribute to making me feel better. By going for a walk or run you are moving your body and moving the negative energy you are holding onto. By getting some fresh air and clearing your head, it can help shift what you are going through. It may not solve the problem or thoughts, but it will assist in taking a step in the right direction.

Seek help when you need it

It is perfectly ok not to be ok all the time. But I invite you to seek help when you may need it. Talking through your thoughts with a professional can be the safe space you need to rip back the layers and work through everything that is no longer serving you. It is a sign of strength to step forward and take care of you. The professionals are there to help, guide and care for your safety. I know it has played a big part in my journey.

Stay safe and look after you, Mental Health matters!

Kirsty Kohlhagen